The Blog

The Theme - Piano Black

The theme used for this blog is Piano Black a dark, transparent theme with a simple style, designed and developed by mono-lab, more info on mono-lab is available at

The Standby Engine - Online Leaf

A standby engine which is automatically activated when visitors remain inactive, with a serious intend of reducing energy consumption. The standby engine makes use of a dark screen and hides heavy animation, visual effects, etc. The effect of former can be debated as there seems to be mixed reactions on reduction in power consumption when using black background; however the latter seems to be effective.

According to Online "The standby engine is a project developed to reduce power consumption, when generating and displaying a website, without changing user experience while using the website. This is done by covering the site in a stationary, black color, which hides visual effects making the visitor’s computer use less energy generating and displaying these. It might not seem like a lot of difference, but after all every little bit does count."

Social Bookmarking Service - Addthis

A popularly used social bookmarking service that allow visitors to share content on a wide variety of social networking platforms.

Cloud CV - Wordle

An online word cloud generator based on the JAVA platform utilizing the jQuery JavaScript library, created and maintained by Jonathan Feinberg.
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